
Sunday, October 14, 2007

I Had the Same Reaction, Too, When I Learned That Dave White Would Be Doing a Reading in Philadelphia

(Courtesy Ed Pettit.)


  1. Someone was just telling me last night and she had met Lessing at a conference in England in the seventies and when she told Lessing she used The Golden Notebook in her classroom, Lessing said, "Well, bully for you."

  2. Patti: Lessing's not one for being gracious, is she? I mean, the Nobel comment was one thing, but being gratuitously rude to someone paying you a compliment in person is just mean.

  3. Often the two don't go hand in hand, I guess although I've been told numerous times that Joyce Carol Oates is extremely nice and down to earth. Eager to be one of the group and not set apart.
